The plight of herding communities facing hunger echoes Old Testament examples. “I am the father and mother...
In the first part of his testimony, Phodidas Ndamyumugabe shares his early life and how he came...
Pastors and theologians respond to opportunities and challenges in new study on explosive growth from Hong Kong...
Christian advocate: The uprising in Tehran coincides with the rising disillusionment with Islam and the growth of...
Just as some North Americans are explicitly claiming the label of “Christian nationalism,” the ideology is advancing...
Caring for people in pain requires a rich theology of suffering. According to the World Health Organization, 703,000...
The red flags you should and should not ignore. Over the past several years, the headlines have...
When “God’s smuggler” came to the Middle East, he went through the front door. Once known for...
Egypt sees surge in foster care applications, though still insufficient, while Christians denied custody due to sharia...
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